Sportsmoments Video

Sportsmoments - When a moment strikes, people talk about it, and then it’s gone

When a moment strikes, people talk about it, and then it’s gone. For a brand seeking to connect with its audience, you need to be right there, ready to react instantly with relevant and meaningful content.

We can help you do just that with the right message, right place and right time.

We use AI-powered SilverPush context detection marketing to identify real-time events and automatically sync your digital campaign with them.

All this makes it possible for you to own any type of moment.

With Sports Moments we can identify moments in a sports match such as:
Time-related: start, half-time or end of the match
Events such as a goal, penalty, win, defeat, free-kick
The appearance of key players (e.g. Ronaldo)
The appearance of a logo (e.g. Rolex)

When the moment happens… OWN IT

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Magnifi Video

Magnifi - Mobiclicks, Magnifi, SilverPush sync traditional TV & modern mobile

Consumers today have multiple screens on the go. The smaller mobile screen takes precedence over traditional mediums like TV which is regarded as background noise. Now, Mobiclicks can mirror TV ads onto mobile devices.

Mobiclicks partner Magnifi has developed the ideal solution to consumers distracted by multiple screens: TV is synced with mobile in one of the most powerful marketing tools yet developed. Essentially, TV ads are mirrored onto mobile ensuring that distracted consumer attention is captured and focused. Winning back the attention of TV viewers means being able to tell brand stories across multiple devices, in real time. A further benefit of this technology is the ability to bring social media into the mix. Mobiclicks, Magnifi, and SilverPush standby ready to re-focus the consumer in pursuit of real campaign objectives.

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